The presence of heavy metals in primary water and in the water coming out of a chemical-physical purification treatment or industrial process is a well-defined and well-known reality.
The solutions and the choice of filtration treatment plant can be various, depending on the concentrations and characteristics of the water to be treated.
Reverse osmosis plants can retain metals but have the contraindication of a considerable consumption of water and electricity, moreover in case of wastewater from a purification system, the residual untreated rejection can be as much as 40% not completely solving the problem.
The purification through chemical-physical plant, is the one normally used for the treatment of metals, but in case of presence of complex substances the treated water does not guarantee compliance, it is to be considered that low concentrations are difficult to treat with the chemical-physical purification system.
The chelating resin filtration, in case of not excessive concentrations of heavy metals, is the one that best suits this purpose, the chelating resin retains all heavy metals thanks to its exchange functional groups.
Our chelating resin filtration systems use specific resins with high exchange capacity, the automation consists in performing a perfect regeneration and a final conditioning of the resins in full autonomy without the need of personnel.
The chelating resin used in filtration for the abatement and reduction of metals has these main applications:
- Abatement of metals downstream of purification plants
- Recovery of metals such as gold palladium zinc copper nickel palladium
- Purification of industrial process baths
- Treatment of metals in wastewater from the metallurgical industry
- Removal of heavy metals from primary water