Remote plant management – purification plant control

Industrial water treatment plants, Wastewater treatment plants

The remote management of purification plants has became an established reality.

The importance of this tool applied on the treatment of industrial water is evident, the possibility to have a management and control service of a water treatment plant that verifies in real time the compliance of all parameters with the possibility to make corrections is very useful with intervention times carried out in real time.

The management of the industrial water purification system includes its 360-degree trend, it is possible to monitor all chemical set-points, the conformity of the dosing times of the reaction chemicals both in case of overdose or lack of chemical dosages, the calibration of the instruments, the control of the levels of the reagents of the purification plant, possible malfunctions, thermic fault, non-compliant liquid levels, etc..

Remote management or remote control requires, if asked by the customer, that the industrial water treatment plant records all the events, in order to be able to consult in a second moment the history and various data of the entire water treatment plant.

Remote management can be carried out by Pentacque or even directly by the customer, the wastewater treatment plant or treatment plant, with a special system and input code can be monitored by authorized people with various levels of autonomy and intervention.

It is possible to differentiate the skills of the various operators, in this way the authorization to view and intervene on the purification plant can be chosen and addressed as desired, this helps the internal organization of the company and ensures proper interventions on the industrial water treatment plant.


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